Endless Paradigm

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[Image: screenshot002.jpg]

It's a miracle! Diabelski Chojrak actually posted one of his themes! O_O That's a first!
I'm using the DNA XMB which is a wonderful XMB. Thanks Guys For The Convert.

[Image: screenshot005.jpg?t=1192164965]
[Image: screenshot004.jpg?t=1192164994]
[Image: screenshot003.jpg?t=1192165015]

Is that text "Memory Stick" supposed to be there? it's only on the memory stick and umd update because the "M" in it overlaps. Just thought i flashed it wrong but its such a clean theme
so many nice themes for 3.71. . . but flashing errrors. . . (ill play it safe and stay on PTF's)
circular xmb in my slim thanks to BieneMaja for convert this awesome theme :yipi:

[Image: screenshot001kc8.png]

[Image: screenshot002qj5.png]

[Image: screenshot003vb9.png]
very nice.
Kryptonian fall xmb theme by: vinrose67

post A DL link of that! your thread vinrose
sorry bro for there is no download link for a while this theme is engage on a compettition now i will share it soon as long as the compettition end...
oh ok. . . hope to see it soon
i have actually black circular xmb in my phat-3.71 m33,but now im back to :
[Image: 9ea5e0f7d66297a5.png]or
[Image: screenshot012.jpg]
ibawanzingee-topic say's "show" not "upload your xmb".. lol :P
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