Endless Paradigm

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FADELESS BY vinrose67

[Image: FADELESS.gif]
%^^^^^ cool could you pas me the theme,.!? i like it alot,.!!
don't worry bro i will released it soon it is engage again on a compettition.
cool! I will be waiting aswell.

[Image: screenshot021.bmp.png]
[Image: screenshot020.bmp.png]
[Image: screenshot022.bmp.png]
Snippy Real nice icons , and what's with the omega sign ?

[Image: subzeroks6.png]
gsmoke-fatality :MK -maniac !! :)

now in use..:
[Image: snap011-1.jpg]
Made the opening, (props to skyfox for his findings in there...im not completely done but thatpart is a start) boot sound, xmb sounds, redid battery, redid volume, finished infobar, (THAT was a pain in the donkey cause i was loosing icons when i was making that!!) adjusted positions..ummm....yeah... press <ctrl>-F5 if you don't see 2 images.

[Image: screenshot065.jpg]
can't use the photo plugin... i have... will update soon... when i have an working one.
[Image: snap001nj6.png]

:D :D
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