Endless Paradigm

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well i think all of u guys psps looks sweet
There are some spoon hot themes going around right now!

Really good to see people utilising their creativity!
this is my xmb, not made by me, i just put them together,i am sorry it is so small, i didn't know how to make it bigger
Double post
here i hope is bigger screen shot,ohh  i give up, the theme to the right is my newest ,but ,it's  from two different themes, i think vibestar did one and Vegetano1 did the other one, i just can't rememebr which themes, the wave i can't remember who made it, but all credit goes to these guys
I just made today for fun(recolored SchmilKeNBerrieS theme & mixing subicon's)but look's really $hity :P :
[Image: 40adfd2f34cd6797m.png]
Diabelski_Chojrak� Wrote:I just made today for fun(recolored SchmilKeNBerrieS theme & mixing subicon's)but look's really $hity :P :
[Image: 40adfd2f34cd6797m.png]

Lol , man you did the fire effect ?
No gsmoke,it was just a background..
Here- new look :P : [Image: ef3d9e8ad3556846m.png]
Diabelski_Chojrak� Wrote:..and here is my new ;) :
[Image: 8b0178de3619d0f4m.png]
y have this icons in photos
and in music to?
post for me :wink2:
LOL forgot to add the pics xD silly me..

[Image: screen1.jpg]

[Image: screen6.jpg]
that looks good deep

did you make them yourself?
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