Endless Paradigm

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[Image: th_12094_screen4_123_79lo.jpg]
Diabelski_Chojrak� Wrote:
AMRicardo.pt Wrote:y have this icons in photos
and in music to?
post for me :wink2:

Sorry ,i don't have any more on my hd.. ;P
And here is a new look on my XMB :rules: :
[Image: 1133b9830830a795.png]

[Image: e9ad63218e4e3b3e.png]

can you upload your theme..it's fantastic
Cominng soon..

...but i need savedata_plugin.rco to change something.. ;)
Do u have it guys this decrypted .rco ? BIG thanks. for upload :)
Check the Download section /PspStuff/3.51rcos    ...
Undertaxxx Wrote:The Infobar NEVER be so personal :mdr:

[Image: snap001au1.png]

does anyone know how i can make the infobar like this above?
i tried it few times with photoshop but i never got it black and transparent at the same time....
Heres mine

[Image: AppleTheme.gif]

[Image: Apple1.jpg]
[Image: 71567458gp5.png]

Sorry ,i don't have any more on my hd.. ;P
you do not remember where you drew
the link or forum
no ideia :@:S
Here's mine:

[Image: screenshot018.jpg?t=1187576183]

In action:

[Image: video1-3.gif?t=1187576239]
Here's mine: on 3.52 M33-2

[Image: snap007dh4.png]
Shot at 2007-08-20

[Image: snap009qn1.png]
Shot at 2007-08-20

[Image: snap008hh2.png]
Shot at 2007-08-20

Yes, it's a mod of Schmilkenberries with my own infobar and customized topmenu and other stuff.;P

Schmilk's and Skyfox2k's works "forced" me to update to 3.52 M33, lol.:wink2:
heres mine.. im not fond of the all the icons on the bottom look that people go for anymore..
i like just plain xmb style.. i made this all myself besides the hexing which bstronga did.. i made it a while ago now hehe

[Image: fin003.jpg]

[Image: fin4.jpg]

[Image: fin5.jpg]

[Image: fin6.jpg]

oh and it is not this dark on the psp.. everything is perfectly visable
and of course i updated it for 3,52 since then but i never re-relesed it
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