any way here's mine
ouch too bright
with wallpaper
original concept
will call it FreshieeBoxx
anyway need help with disappearing text problem
only for 5.00 m33 but currently working it in 5.50 gen
@hellobonacua : i really like the first configuration , where you can see all the icons , part of them ,idk but i like themes where you see the icons , and not only one icon and you wonder in where you at the second one with the wallpaper is epic.... not minimal fan i am.!!!!!!!
@V1 , this osk is schexy , solid one - professional
@Schmilky , you as always nice theme , and the wave matched perfect. but dang make it for 5.00 M33 also. 550 is buggy.
gsmoke Wrote:@V1 , this osk is schexy , solid one - professional
not much fun without the background picture,. :(
the white colored(!!and canvas sized) letters i posted enables you to color the letters in any color you want, changing RGB in data page for all "IXI" images.
And you can make your own buttons,.(i just color overlayed the originals)
but you have to use rcoedit114,. kepp adding the white letters untill rcoedit crashes,. then its ok! lol
Vegetano1 Wrote:gsmoke Wrote:@V1 , this osk is schexy , solid one - professional
not much fun without the background picture,. :(
the white colored(!!and canvas sized) letters i posted enables you to color the letters in any color you want, changing RGB in data page for all "IXI" images.
And you can make your own buttons,.(i just color overlayed the originals)
but you have to use rcoedit114,. kepp adding the white letters untill rcoedit crashes,. then its ok! lol
Ok , let me tell you something : black and white = classic
The osk Is Win.
where can I get the letters for the osk?
Vegetano1 Wrote:my new OSK for 550gen
![[Image: 21lkc92.jpg]](http://i42.tinypic.com/21lkc92.jpg)
At sony's they ripped the background image from OSK500_plugin,. :( i tried to use the 500 version(with the prx file) did work but to many white blocks), they ripped the resources availeble for the osk too,...
Making all letters is black is easy(letter images are blue), go into data-paga of rcoedit and chnage RGB to 0,0,0 for all IXI images!
i have also got all letter images colored white and canvas sized to load with rcoedit 114,. but i did't use them since my letters are "blue colored black anyway"
colored white and resized images!!! (alot)
you have to load them into rcoedit114 manually,.1/1
but then you be able to color them any color in data page changing all "IXI" images RGB.(because the letter are white instead of blue)
Button images also inclueded and also the custom arrow buttons.
clispe Wrote:where can I get the letters for the osk?
1 page back,.
colored white and canvas sized all,.!! TO MANY!!!! ;p
You have to load them 1/1 into rcoedit114! and then in data page you can make them any color, changing RGB for all "IXI" image entries!
Once rcoedit crashes you should be ok because the rest of the letters is already white,. ;)
Also open a second OSK_plugin in rcoedit115(wich does't crash) to see where to replace the bottom icons in rcoedit114,.. if crashes try again.
If someone did this maybe he can post it on EP,. i might load them into the OSK rco but kinda busy,. and already colored&canvas sized them ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
yea thanks V1! you're the best
anyways here's my theme
![[Image: 33vyxec.jpg]](http://i43.tinypic.com/33vyxec.jpg)
project ribbon
clispe Wrote:yea thanks V1! you're the best
anyways here's my theme
![[Image: 33vyxec.jpg]](http://i43.tinypic.com/33vyxec.jpg)
project ribbon
Nice theme!! (i seen that design somewheresss )
If you need any help i can test the theme if you want!
By the way adding all white colored letters to the OSK takes long! and i already tested the 500OSK to work in 550 for many hours,. so that's why i did't add them to the 550osk,..... you have to add them 1 by 1,.... and there is sooo many!!
thanks v1 I need a lot of help on this! cause of the 01to12 change 1 thing another disappears :(