Endless Paradigm

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Just chengeing sub icons from last screen to:
[Image: screenshot005-1.jpg]
Here it is in action :)  Very soon it will be done

Source: YouTube
SchmilK Wrote:Here it is in action :)  Very soon it will be done

Source: YouTube

Wow, SchmilK! This one looks great... as usual! What max size 01-12.bmp is supported?
kompster Wrote:Wow, SchmilK! This one looks great... as usual! What max size 01-12.bmp is supported?

starting at th ebeginning is a 350xwhatever the proper scale is workuing no problem :)

the poor gradients are due to remotejoy display :(
SchmilK Wrote:
kompster Wrote:Wow, SchmilK! This one looks great... as usual! What max size 01-12.bmp is supported?

right now (though not displayed) there is a 350xwhatever the proper scale is workuing no problem :)

Nice! Well this may be my next upgrade... still using Justfonts pretty contently. Any expected ETA on release?
[Image: screenshot008qt1.png]
Hey Schmilk, awesome theme man, when will it be out, can't wait to get it, and can you tell us if you found any new offsets or if that's all you found the excel file, anyways good looks on the theme, once again your are like and xmb creator god. lol

[Image: screen1-11.jpg]
nice vinrose..the lcd font looks great

below is a new battery on the right, new volume on the bottom, font characters that werent part of the original font have been added by me :D
and a nice crisis core screenshot for a wallpaper :)

[Image: snap092td2.jpg]
here's mine: :D

[Image: screenshot005mq3.png]
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