Endless Paradigm

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lookin nice :)

heres what i did based off of madsoul's ipod touchy feely theme he showed me a link to yesterday :)

[Image: snap065mn3.jpg]
[Image: snap067ct5.jpg]
feels very wierd like im looking blinders LOL

on the left is the toxic butterfly power.
as battery dies, the toxic butterflies go away :(
when all the butterflies are gone you are left with a non toxic stem, but still do not eat it. just plug in your psp and recharge
looks very sweet Schmilk. When will it be released?
awesome battery icon idea schmilk
Lovin it, SchmilK. Very original and very shiny.

My new idea:

[Image: kindalookinokkc9.png]

[Image: kindalookinokcopyig4.jpg]

Thanks to SchmilK for the nice print. ;)
[Image: 281hdz8.jpg]
[Image: wb5uyu.jpg]
its okay kratos,

not really my cup of tea though
UPDATE: (pretty much finished)

[Image: snap003hd1.png]

[Image: snap054ll0.png]
heh here's my XMB looks like
this Theme is based on Mc Cabes Niteo Design
made this theme for personal use only
but if its ok to Mc Cabe I'll be happy to release it ^.^

[Image: screenshot001ab2.png]

[Image: screenshot002tb9.png]

[Image: screenshot003sv6.png]
hooray for dolanz!! ^_^

I don't mind dolanz ;) If you could release it on psparody first......

hmm wait, would like to be a member of niteo designs?
[Image: okoarm.jpg]
[Image: 2s1lj7n.jpg]
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