Endless Paradigm

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i like my sony black on 5.50 atm ;)

[Image: mat20090622194307.jpg]
[Image: 166zkib.jpg]

remember this one?  well its making a comeback real soon!
and better than ever imo :D
PS3 Improper version on 5.50*.*
[Image: ps3improper.png]
[Image: snap249.jpg]

oh damn i just 'borrowed' your wave matchung :P and moved it and made it purple
[Image: snap250.jpg]

oooh boy its getting close :)
SchmilK Wrote:[Image: snap249.jpg]

oh damn i just 'borrowed' your wave matchung :P and moved it and made it purple
[Image: snap250.jpg]

oooh boy its getting close :)

nice thingy :D and lol at wave XD

here's mine:
[Image: snap012.png]

maybe move it to the left side, because i can't get the subicons work and moving the text is a pain in the donkey
[Image: screenshot004-3.jpg]
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:My:
[Image: screenshot004-3.jpg]

For 550gen>???
Nope. Im on 5.00m33 :P
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:Nope. Im on 5.00m33 :P

my new OSK for 550gen
[Image: 21lkc92.jpg]

At sony's they ripped the background image from OSK500_plugin,. :( i tried to use the 500 version(with the prx file) did work but to many white blocks), they ripped the resources availeble for the osk too,...
Making all letters is black is easy(letter images are blue), go into data-paga of rcoedit and chnage RGB to 0,0,0 for all IXI images!
i have also got all letter images colored white and canvas sized to load with rcoedit 114,. but i did't use them since my letters are "blue colored black anyway"

colored white and resized images!!! (alot)
you have to load them into rcoedit114 manually,.1/1
but then you be able to color them any color in data page changing all "IXI" images RGB.(because the letter are white instead of blue)
Button images also inclueded and also the custom arrow buttons.
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