Endless Paradigm

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Hurtween Wrote:Could you please up that wall?? That is killers!

Here you go.

[Image: e6xemo.jpg]
delirumhappy Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:Bringing back h901s icon
[Image: snap005zh8.jpg]

Seriously gonna go blind using that XMB, can't even read the text!

..the text icon can be extract from oryginall theme on 3.52 m33 - i thing..Peace
Escalation Wrote:
Hurtween Wrote:Could you please up that wall?? That is killers!

Here you go.


Thank-you Escalation! I appreciate it.Woo
By the way. Now in use:
[Image: screenshot010-1.jpg]
i tried following themes:
1. AppleCor
2. Surreal
3. Large Original Blue Neon
4. Eon
5. SchmEdiaSchEnteR
6. White Organ

but i like this more ;)

[Image: snap046mb2.jpg]

resumed it's lftv/update icons/function
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:By the way. Now in use:
[Image: screenshot010-1.jpg]

can you share that wallpaper?
wow, nice theme and background =)
Just got my psp last week and here's how mine currently looks like.

[Image: snap001tr4.png]

Just started it out. Looking for more tuts to spice my psp up!
here's mine now: VistaCore Theme by SSChevy2001, but the vshmain.prx I got it from Negative Charge and the battery icon from Inacor MCE...

[Image: screenshot001js1.png]
Professor Fate Wrote:
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:By the way. Now in use:
[Image: screenshot010-1.jpg]

can you share that wallpaper?

don't have the exact one but here's a similar one :)

[Image: lotrxw9.png]
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