Endless Paradigm

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[Image: snap000gh2.png]
Synth Wrote:[Image: snap000fy5.png]

I currently love this theme


Synth, I really, really-realy-really-really-like-a-lot your wallpaper. Inluv
Don't you want to post it for the guys here (and for me too)? LOL

Thanks man! Madwin
nearing the end of the diablo 3 concept simulucrum posted on cs a while back :)
all menus have their own little icon in the row of boxes in the middle and the main colored screen and those boxes change color per menu ;)
[Image: snap133pw5.jpg]

[Image: snap134yn5.jpg]
WOW!! can't wait to try this theme!!(and the game ;) )
sweetness, Why does it seem like the font bothers me though...
The sub text at least.
How were you able to get multiple icons to work without memory issues? Must've redirected main icons and edit the sdwn or sdwf for the main icons. I'll find out. Hero

bad donkey though Madwin
That looks awesome Schmilk. Can't wait to see the theme on my PSP. Another theme I would love to play around. hehe...
Im back to the oldshool now Hiding_something
[Image: poklt4.png]
[Image: psp.png]
check mine out.     401m33-2

[Image: preview1.jpg]

[Image: preview2.jpg]
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:[Image: psp.png]
Yea for some strange reason i sometimes switch mine back to that old school style(original plain xmb) lol.

for now though heres mine.
[Image: 2dka8me.jpg]
[Image: oskpluginzd0.png]

[Image: oskpluginmc0.png]

made a new OSK ;D
based on vibestars secret OSK
and schmilks OSK from frosstyboxxy
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