Endless Paradigm

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My actual preview on animated buterfly theme:
[Image: screenshot003.jpg]
..and one of them-real ^^ :
[Image: DSC02597.jpg]
[Image: fakedw.png]

yeap working on this 3Ds MAX 2010,
[Image: snap013q.png]
The only thing I don't really like about this theme is some of the backgrounds, but I can always pick a bg I do like, so that's nothing (note, the background shown is one I like)
[Image: 20s6az5.jpg]
still need to work on it a bit, and im gonna change the battery, but you get the idea! Hero
In love whit asteria.. Adore :
[Image: screenshot000.jpg]
mudbone Wrote:[Image: 20s6az5.jpg]
still need to work on it a bit, and im gonna change the battery, but you get the idea! Hero

nice,. very nice!! although i have nevar played Zelda,. ;p
its actually  a classic gameboy theme, the zelda is just one of the backgrounds for the 1-12!
mudbone Wrote:its actually  a classic gameboy theme, the zelda is just one of the backgrounds for the 1-12!

Looks good.   I'm a big zelda fan.   Madwin
[Image: 250utlx.jpg]
mudbone Wrote:[Image: 250utlx.jpg]
lol fun with jaggies :P
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