15/03/2015, 03:42 AM
sandungas Wrote: [ -> ]My old windows xp x32 complained about 2 missing dll's the first time i tryed to use rcomage-dev-v1.1.2 (previous versions doesn't), i googled them in one of these dll pages and placed inside rcomage folder and it solved the problem, here are the ones that proved working for me https://www.sendspace.com/file/bkw2m6Gah, I'll need to do a static compile. Forgot about that.
sandungas Wrote: [ -> ]Now i realize you are still interested in releasing new rcomage versions would you like to hear some suggestions for the new version ?I don't have a PS3, so what I can do about it is a bit limited.
It depends. This is a hobby project which I haven't touched for a number of years, so can't remember a lot of it. I'm also a lot busier these days than I was back then.
Regardless, please feel free to put your ideas/suggestions forward. If it interests me, I may look into it.
Note that GIM «> PNG conversion can be lossy. If you're trying to guess settings, it's better to use GimConv to convert GIM to GIM with your settings (eg "gimconv in.gim -o out.gim [settings]").
sandungas Wrote: [ -> ]The problem with pixel channel is it allows for all combinations of RGBA channels in any order... this makes a total of 24 posible combinations (rgba, argb, gbar, barg, grab, etc...)There's generally no reason for weird combinations, so no need to try all of them.
I suspect is needed to reorder this pixel channels... but well... is just one of the random things i was trying in my lasts attempts to identify them
RGB is usually together, with the A channel either before or after it, so ARGB or RGBA.
You might want to try reversing the order as well (ABGR and BGRA), in case of endian weirdness.
But anyway, I don't think Gimconv does RGB » DXT conversion, so a PNG will never convert properly back to a DXT GIM. (I'm guessing that Gimconv also mucks up the header, making it confusing)
Try using .dds files instead of .png