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Can someone explain me how the object tree works please ?
I try to animate something and can't set up the object tree.
My head hurts.lol
Object tree is basically a hierarchical organisation of objects...
Not sure if that helps lol.

Animations are just attached to an object (not always the case) and give commands to objects.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Object tree is basically a hierarchical organisation of objects...
Not sure if that helps lol.

Animations are just attached to an object (not always the case) and give commands to objects.

The word "hierarchical"

Aspheric doesn't know it
Erh....i mean how to work with them xD
Any guide ?
As YoYoBallz mentioned in the other thread, KaKaRoTo has offered to continue developing Rcomage (thanks! especially for dealing with my mess of code!)
The Github repository can be found here: https://github.com/kakaroto/RCOMage

Changes I've made before giving the code to him:
- slight change to VSMX handling
- enable RLZ compression (no decompression though)

Also will need to include the newer INI files.

I'm sure this will bring about more improvements (especially since he seems to be a more experienced developer than myself).
kakaroto ported RCOMage linux. :)
Quote:ZiNgA BuRgA, author of RCOMage have decided to open source it and he gave it to me. I've now ported it to Linux. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/fNKfXE

Via: Twitter
TSENEDA Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a lot. I'll use this inis next time :P
I tested them.  This is a cube using posZ, and XYZ Resize MoveTo animations.
It worked as expected.

Spoiler for XML:

<Plane name="cube" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:anim_cube" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0">
<Plane name="pic01" posX="0" posY="-80" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:rotate" image="image:tex_pic01" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic02" posX="0" posY="80" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic02" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic03" posX="-80" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic03" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic04" posX="80" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic04" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic05" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="-80" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic05" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic06" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="80" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic06" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>

<Animation name="rotate">
<Rotate object="object:pic01" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic02" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic03" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="" y="1.57" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic04" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="" y="1.57" z="0" />
<Delay time="0" />
<Animation name="anim_cube">
<Rotate object="object:cube" duration="16000" accelMode="0x0" x="6.28" y="6.28" z="6.28" />
<Resize object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" width="0.5" height="0.5" unknownFloat4="0.5" />
<Delay time="8000" />
<Resize object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" width="1" height="1" unknownFloat4="1" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<MoveTo object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" x="100" y="-100" unknownFloat4="100" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<MoveTo object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" x="0" y="0" unknownFloat4="0" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<FireEvent object="anim:anim_cube" />

are there lines missing in anim:rotate>?>? i am trying to get this to work,. :) i fixxed the old rcomage differences but i think there is still 2 lines missing in anim:rotate>?>?

i got this,. only for a cube no ratating:

XML Code
                                                    <Plane name="cube" posX="0" posY="0" posZ="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="anim:anim_cube" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0">
                                                     <Plane name="pic01" posX="0" posY="-8" posZ="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="anim:rotate" image="image:tex_pic01" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
                                                     <Plane name="pic02" posX="0" posY="8" posZ="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="image:tex_pic02" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
                                                     <Plane name="pic03" posX="-8" posY="0" posZ="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="image:tex_pic03" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
                                                     <Plane name="pic04" posX="8" posY="0" posZ="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="image:tex_pic04" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
                                                     <Plane name="pic05" posX="0" posY="0" posZ="-8" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="image:tex_pic05" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
                                                     <Plane name="pic06" posX="0" posY="0" posZ="8" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="16" height="16" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="image:tex_pic06" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>

                                <Animation name="rotate">
                                 <Rotate object="object:pic01" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
                                 <Rotate object="object:pic02" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
                                 <Rotate object="object:pic03" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="0" y="1.57" z="0" />
                                 <Rotate object="object:pic04" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="0" y="1.57" z="0" />
                                 <Delay time="0" />

edit: hehe,. no lines are missing ;p ,. got it working,. but you can't have solid(alpha1) sides,. :( this is the simple version of patpat's xml,. ;) i did learn some good stuff trying to make a cube,. :) thanks!

de slideout function remains a mystery,. and the unknown value's in text lines are also leading to nothing,. hehe

Hope i am missing something here,. because i really can't find anything wrong,. XML editor says there is a bug in there,.. but i copied over the line with a good 1,.. still there,..
rcomage error Wrote:file:///C:/Users/name/Desktop/620newtheme/theme/sony_mod_620tn/vsh/resource/sysconf_plugin/xml.xml:920: parser error : Unescaped '<' not allowed in attributes values
<Fade object="object:usb_line_plane1" duration="100" accelMode="0x0" transpa
file:///C:/Users/name/Desktop/620newtheme/theme/sony_mod_620tn/vsh/resource/sysconf_plugin/xml.xml:920: parser error : attributes construct error
<Fade object="object:usb_line_plane1" duration="100" accelMode="0x0" transpa
file:///C:/Users/name/Desktop/620newtheme/theme/sony_mod_620tn/vsh/resource/sysconf_plugin/xml.xml:920: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag Delay line 919
<Fade object="object:usb_line_plane1" duration="100" accelMode="0x0" transpa
Error: Can't parse given XML file C:\Users\name\Desktop\620newtheme\theme\sony_mod_620tn\vsh\resource\sysconf_plugin\xml.xml.
Error: Could not read in XML file 'C:\Users\name\Desktop\620newtheme\theme\sony_mod_620tn\vsh\resource\sysconf_plugin\xml.xml'.

xml editor:
[Image: Untitled-6.png]

edit: i had the same animation for another plane,.. so i copied and renamed that,. its working now,. :) wander whot that bug was though,. ;p
[Image: clipboard01yf.png]

You can sometimes tell by looking at the syntax highlighting - note that the colours seem to be a bit different below that.
%^^ok,. missed that,. anyway i got a completely different animation for that now,. hehe keep changeing stuff,.. but looks awesome :)
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