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Full Version: [PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool
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found a new value,. in MoveTo object >> unknownInt1="0x0"

its basicly XxY curve speed,. say move something over Y and set the value to 0x4 then the movement will slow down when entering end point,. kinda how the xmb icons scroll,. so you won't get a static movement,. but more smoother,. :)

works very nice :) i recommend 0x4 when moving 200 over Y

I am still stuck on editing a rco with rcomage wich was text edited with rcoedit,. but i will add first all animations and edit text after,. ;)
I've found the issue but working on a fix now.

Nice find - I'm guessing that's some sort of acceleration constant?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I've found the issue but working on a fix now.
That's ok,. i understand your very busy,. cool you found the issue :)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Nice find - I'm guessing that's some sort of acceleration constant?
yes,. works very good :)

Edit: its not XxY the second 0 in 0x0 is for both x and y movement,. maybe the first is for slow beginning and second (def/sure it is) is for slow end speed,.
Hey Vegetano1, I ran into the same problems as you did as well. What I normally do with editing text in rcoedit is that I leave the text editing till last. Because you edit the text in rcoedit, RCOmage will not dump the .rco's text file completely. I seem to notice that the text file will be incomplete at where you actually edited the text in rcoedit.
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Edit: its not XxY the second 0 in 0x0 is for both x and y movement,. maybe the first is for slow beginning and second (def/sure it is) is for slow end speed,.
"0x" is a prefix for a hex digit, so basically "0x0" means "0" in normal numbers.
It appears to be a mode, so 0 = normal transition, 1 = start slow, 4 = start fast, and beyond 4, doesn't do anything.
Nice find :)

WoobiE Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Vegetano1, I ran into the same problems as you did as well. What I normally do with editing text in rcoedit is that I leave the text editing till last. Because you edit the text in rcoedit, RCOmage will not dump the .rco's text file completely. I seem to notice that the text file will be incomplete at where you actually edited the text in rcoedit.
Should've told me earlier :)

Can you guys try this build and tell me if it fixes everything?

"Warning: 1 null(s) were stripped from resource 'msgtop_sysconf_console'."
got this warning when dumping an edited rco

compiling worked.

unknownInt1="0x0" also works for rotate,. i guess other's also like rezise,.
Yeah, I added that warning.

Just see if WoobiE got his issue fixed.
Seems to just run fine now. Just quickly edited some text and no problems compiling.
Thanks for the update.

Also found some new stuff for the volume bar. The iconOffset 0x0 in <Plane name="volume_bar">. Its seems that having the second zero changed into a one will make the volume bar load from left to right. If you change it to two, it will load from right to left and zero seems to make it load symmetrically from the centre.
0x0 = symmetrical
0x1 = left to right
0x2 = right to left
Sweeet, thanks.  Updated to v1.1.1.

- Add --ini-dir option to allow specifying INI directory for the CLI
- Add version tag 0x97 as a valid PS3 tag (fixes some issues with dumping RCOs from older PS3 firmwares) [thanks to Mr Shizzy for the samples]
- Export animtable tag constants to .ini file; also fix up PS3's special MoveTo animation
- Minor modification to WAV parser - will now skip bytes if header specifies it
- Remove UTF-8 BOMs from dumped XML before the text values - seems to cause issues on some machines (and I don't think it's exactly valid anyway)
- Strip nulls from text (RCO Editor may add them)
- Replace the various "unknownInt1" name with "accelMode" - thanks to Vegetano1 for the find
Thanks for the update Madwin
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