Awesomesauce - thanks a lot phobox! :)
By the way, you can actually edit the objattribdef-psp.ini file in the Rcomage folder to modify the names yourself if you want.
If no-one else does this, I'll stick them in for the next version.
Thanks again phobox!
EDIT: okay, here's an updated objattribdef-psp.ini with the amendments you've said - you can simply replace the file for the updated definitions.
Do note that this may cause existing XML dumps to not compile.
well i found a little mistake: a double onFocusRight....
in the following file i fixed that and i also added/modified the following in XMENU:
»onScrollOut - not sure, but since there is a scroll in...
Gah, thanks for fixing that, as well as your finds, phobox :D
onLoad is't the same as onInit>? because with the last update all onLoad are changed to onInit>?
before some onInits did't do anything but all onLoads did,.
anyway does't really matter,. ;p
Yeah, it got changed, by suggestion I believe (more accurately reflects the name Sony gives it).
I think the only "onInit" before the update was for <Page> type objects - that's remained the same, but they do somewhat have a different effect.
Sorry for any confusion caused.
Thanks for great tool, ZiNgA BuRgA.
I think that objectScale and anim:MoveTo's unknownFloat4 are position"Z".
Probably elementScale and anim:Risize's unknownFloat4 are scale"Z".
posUnknown may be "Z"size (for example GMO3Dmodels).
Sorry for my poor English...
Thanks TSENEDA :)
Haven't tried it, but certainly does make a lot of sense :)
You can replace the INIs in the Rcomage directory with these.
Will break existing XMLs that have been dumped.
Thanks a lot. I'll use this inis next time :P
I tested them. This is a cube using posZ, and XYZ Resize MoveTo animations.
It worked as expected.
Spoiler for XML :
<Plane name="cube" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:anim_cube" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0">
<Plane name="pic01" posX="0" posY="-80" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:rotate" image="image:tex_pic01" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic02" posX="0" posY="80" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic02" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic03" posX="-80" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic03" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic04" posX="80" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic04" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic05" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="-80" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic05" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Plane name="pic06" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="80" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="0.3" width="160" height="160" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="image:tex_pic06" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
<Animation name="rotate">
<Rotate object="object:pic01" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic02" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="1.57" y="0" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic03" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="" y="1.57" z="0" />
<Rotate object="object:pic04" duration="0" accelMode="0x0" x="" y="1.57" z="0" />
<Delay time="0" />
<Animation name="anim_cube">
<Rotate object="object:cube" duration="16000" accelMode="0x0" x="6.28" y="6.28" z="6.28" />
<Resize object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" width="0.5" height="0.5" unknownFloat4="0.5" />
<Delay time="8000" />
<Resize object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" width="1" height="1" unknownFloat4="1" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<MoveTo object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" x="100" y="-100" unknownFloat4="100" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<MoveTo object="object:cube" duration="4000" accelMode="0x0" x="0" y="0" unknownFloat4="0" />
<Delay time="4000" />
<FireEvent object="anim:anim_cube" />
Anyone know if it is possible to do a resize animation on the XMB clock ?
That was the only animation I wasn't able to get working on it..
Hello guys i needs your help. I try to edit rcos (translate the text in my language) with rcomage but when i load the files in my ps3 with usb firm it crash. Can you help my
Sorry for my English