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Full Version: [PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool
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Here are the PS3 rco files, if anyone was interested in playing with them:


Now for the reason I actually posted:
What PSP .rco file needs to be edited if I want to make an animated infobar ?
Thanks in advance

Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Here are the PS3 rco files, if anyone was interested in playing with them:


Now for the reason I actually posted:
What PSP .rco file needs to be edited if I want to make an animated infobar ?
Thanks in advance


got the ps3 rco's :) could't find the main icons,. i guess these are in the PS3 theme files self,.. except for the ingame/ontop topmenu icons,.

if you want to animate the infobars you have to do this for each infobar,. so in different rco's,.
What firmware are they from?

Here's the pack that I got sent:
Hmm, seems like a number of the ones you posted, Mr. Shizzy, have different version identifiers to the ones I've seen (and don't seem to have the quirky additional PS3 image value).  I guess I'll need to amend rcomage for this - thanks for sharing :)
ZiNgA - I found the animation command in opening_plugin.rco :

<SlideOut object="object:glow" duration="0" unknown1="0x0" xspeed="0" yspeed="0" xcompress="0" ycompress="1" />

What exactly does this do ?  Hmmm
Any info ?

That one is a really weird one.  It seems to be a once off effect and basically hides the object after the animation (doesn't always work like that).  For example, an object sliding out of view.
Has a number of weird effects, so I can only really suggest trying it out yourself with different values to see what it exactly does.
i ran into some trouble when i wanted to compile a topmenu_plugin.rco,. this rco i edited the text but now when trying to compile i get some error's and then the edited text is't present,.

I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Japanese.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Japanese.xml.
Warning: [line 12] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/English.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\English.xml.
Warning: [line 13] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/French.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\French.xml.
Warning: [line 14] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Spanish.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Spanish.xml.
Warning: [line 15] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/German.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\German.xml.
Warning: [line 16] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Italian.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Italian.xml.
Warning: [line 17] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Dutch.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Dutch.xml.
Warning: [line 18] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Portugese.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Portugese.xml.
Warning: [line 19] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Russian.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Russian.xml.
Warning: [line 20] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/Korean.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\Korean.xml.
Warning: [line 21] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/ChineseSimpl.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\ChineseSimpl.xml.
Warning: [line 22] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Text/ChineseTrad.xml"
Warning: Can't parse XML file Text\ChineseTrad.xml.
Warning: [line 23] Text entries not specified!  Assuming no entries.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Japanese.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\English.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\French.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Spanish.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\German.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Italian.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Dutch.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Portugese.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Russian.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\Korean.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\ChineseSimpl.xml'.
Warning: Unable to open file 'Text\ChineseTrad.xml'.

here is the rco >> [attachment=3946]

i still want to add an animation but this aint posible now,.

Do the text .xml files actually exist at the specified locations? (eg Text/English.xml relative to where the main XML file is)
I'll need the edited dump to check anything unfortunately.

i did't edit anything with rcomage only with rcoedit the topmenu_plugin.rco posted 2 posts up if you dump that and then compile i get these errors,. by the way i text edited them with rcoedit114,. not with rcoedit 115,. i still use rcoedit114 for the osk forgot to use 115 for the topmenu_plugin,.

textedit with rcoedit114>>dump/complie with rcomage>>errors,.
Okay, thanks Vegetano1 - I'll take a look at it a bit later though - got craploads of work at the moment.
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