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mugi Wrote: [ -> ]not all images are in the rco files indeed.

i know that the psn category's custom wallpapers, some icons (f@h, widgets, such things) reside in dev_flash/vsh/resource/explore/
also, some icons are nowhere to be found on current means.
might want to look at the dynamic pt3 theme files,. prob easier to edit,. if the file is hacked,.>?>?
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]a batch of rco files and otehr modules are hidden somewhere i believe is not accessible yet.
there's metldr which is a complete mystery, and i found references to non-existant rco/sprx files from the boot sequence along with a location called /dev_system...
whatever it is, can't really say. I lack time to properly research things at the moment.

some images may be in the sprx files,. >?>? lust like the Go-clock in slide_plugin.prx,..
im aware that the possibility of sprx's have some files.
i just haven't figured out yet how to handle those. they arent' exactly just plain in there :(

as for the theme files. Yes, that's one solution. However, the goal of my research is to be able to modify the flash, not just use theme files to do it.
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]as for the theme files. Yes, that's one solution. However, the goal of my research is to be able to modify the flash, not just use theme files to do it.

hehe,. yeah i understand,. howevar custom dynamic pt3 could be fun too,. ;p

sofar i had only seen custom boot logo's with custom sound,.
well, i suppose.

I've never been a fan of standard themes on anything really to be honest.
i like ot be unique and what comes to themes, they're always so limited at the end of the day...
you can only do so much with predefined things :/
well,. there is no knowledge whot is in the pt3,. if i am correct,. and there are some very nice animated theme's for the PS3 in the store,. possibility's mebbe??
but yeah,. prob very standard,. i guess,.. a pt3 isn't the same as a ptf,..

i got no idee how to look into a p3t file,. ;p
i do. :)
is pt3 editable,.>? icons,.. background animation's,..>?>?  would be an edition to your clock,..

-pt3 files with additional custom theme files,. ;p
that's one idea.

my work on the dynamic themes isn't very extensive since I've been trying to concentrate on the flash0 for now.
they aren't that much of a mess though, so im sure some lonely nerd in some dark corner codes something to handle those soon enough :P
i am no coder,. but i haven't seen any dynamic p3t hacks sofar,.. making a p3t hack prob isn't this easy,.. :/

was just referring to the pt3 file to use as an icon carrier/container and the possibility to add the animated background,. then you could try and look for offets to add more custom style to the theme,. mebbe even posible to redirect to a p3t stored in flash0,.. does making it kinda the same as replacing the original icons,. ;) (i understand replacing icons in flash0 is a bug,.!>?!)

anyway,. its nice to see you work on the flash0 PS3,. that clock already looks cool.

one question,. have you tried to add new images to any rco's>?>? so not replacing images but just an extra in-XMB icon for testing,.. >!!? with he possibility to add some sort of animation,.
you can add images to them yeah.
im just not sure about the effects that has overall, there might be stability and space issues with that like there was on psp.

the first version of my clock uses a set of it's own images that were added to the rco, however that was one of the reasons it kept freesing on slims and that it didn't work in ingame XMB where the used resources seem to be very limited.
either way, i'ts possible but not enough is known about how it affects things yet.

im not progressing very fast seeing that im basically the only one studying this :/

also, there are no theme files stored in flash0. just 01.p3t which is that ugly airpaint theme every ps3 has -.-
you can store themes in flash though :P
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