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Full Version: [PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool
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PS3 theming with RCOmage O_O

dear god
* 1-R can't wait to get a ps3 for birthday.
Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]* Lunar can't wait to get a ps3 for birthday.

play with me lunar-chan Hoho
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]* Lunar can't wait to get a ps3 for birthday.

play with me lunar-chan Hoho

lol next month propaaa!! ♥
Thanks for releasing the update! I'm surprised to see you added a VSMX decryption feature.  That should be interesting.
Thanks for comments everyone :)
I have a question:

Is there a way to make the animations I built into system_plugin_fg.rco turn of when I'm in the GAME sub menu in XMB?    

It turns off when the infobar is on, but I'm not sure how it does it.   And I'm not sure if you can call a native event from another .rco ??
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to make the animations I built into system_plugin_fg.rco turn of when I'm in the GAME sub menu in XMB?
Not that I know of, unfortunately.

Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]And I'm not sure if you can call a native event from another .rco ??
I don't think that works - it didn't from when I tried, but that's all I know.
I didn't notice you updated this, well thanks! Madwin

I must replace my old version now...

Did you talk with geohot for help with PS3 RCO support? I noticed you credited him, but was curious, if you just researched his info or conversed...

Thanks for continuing to make rcoEditor obsolete ;)

He sent me some PS3 RCO samples.  I don't have a PS3 so everything I do I really have to guess from what I can get...
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