Endless Paradigm

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UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]is there a tut on how to do this? im running windows 7 and i see alot of cool themes


this enables complete theme customisation for windows 7, it's what i use.

go to deviantart.com for themes, if you need help installing em give us a shout
What do i download? i have windows 7 themes but there what other people made but i don't know how to install them.

ok i dl'd the UxStyle thing and it says that i have something wrong with my subtheme and dui.ll or something rather... im running off of 2 hours of sleep.
trying ti figure this out and not look stupid lol.
[Image: V9Sla.png]

Work in progress. I need a different conkyrc. I also need to figure out how to use new fonts in Openbox.
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: V9Sla.png]

Work in progress. I need a different conkyrc. I also need to figure out how to use new fonts in Openbox.

very creative~~super minimal, nice job
Yay minimal! :D

[Image: Screenshot00.png]

[Image: Screenshot01.png]
[Image: fuT8W.jpg]
[Image: unleddz.png]

[Image: 2l8c1v4.jpg]
Mine... TRying to figure out how to change the color of the icons, on my object dock..
[Image: 2rfa1jc.jpg]

Ten second no effort wallpaper yeup.

Her nickname or rather is "Anaru" which if you were to change that to English it'd be "Anal", in-case you didn't know. : |
So many people using ObjectDock...with default themes.
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