Endless Paradigm

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nice setup tetris......can I haz wallpaper please?~ :3
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]nice setup tetris......can I haz wallpaper please?~ :3

Sure razgriz, i darkened the original wallpaper because it's too hard to read anything without it being done.

[Image: konachancom59208megurin.jpg]
[Image: 57103366.png]

Tried changing the theme but it doesn't fit in my eyes O_O
Is that?...no it can't be......why would you?.......

Edit: @Tetris999: thanks bro
asurabp Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 57103366.png]

Tried changing the theme but it doesn't fit in my eyes O_O


oh god.

oh god


* lembas dies
So Justin Bieber is invading Asia too?
[Image: desk2.png]
^ fukken nice desktop
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