Endless Paradigm

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holy spoon that's craploads
Obvious attention whore is just too obvious
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Obvious attention whore is just too obvious

yes, this.
bread Wrote: [ -> ]
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Obvious attention whore is just too obvious

yes, this.

No then i would have made a thread
Dude, don't even begin to try to deny it. You're insulting our intelligence.
That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many apps for rainmeter; tone down the ricing. ^^^
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many apps for rainmeter; tone down the ricing. ^^^

Yeah but when i turn off rainmeter, the cpu stays the same, so raainmeter isn't huting my seed or anything so i don't care, i use everything up there except the straight line that is inbetween the huge date and time
EDIT: just realized i had slowly toned down


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Fuck yeah, the citadel :3
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