Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post your desktop! *56K warning*
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i can't post mine...<.<
its a dual monitor and no image hosting will take it...
use imageiso.com

and convert you images to jpg and reduce the size so its under 2 mb
nevermind, i reduced the size to half
^scratch that, full size
[Image: i6110_untitled.JPG]
nice wallpaper

ewwwww alienware themes there always got those stupdicons and logos
i used to have vtp but it got fudgeed up... i sure miss it T_T
[Image: desktoprg9.png]
[Image: desktop.png]
[Image: Picture1.png]
[Image: 2mi40vr.png]
[Image: 5mkbap.png]
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