Endless Paradigm

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here is the wallpaper enjoy

[Image: k-on-wallpaper-043.jpg]
Clannad Dango themed <3

[Image: screen009b.png][Image: screen002x.png][Image: screen004s.png][Image: screen008v.png][Image: screen005eo.png][Image: screen009j.png]
* Tetris999 uses windows XP with a pentium 4 based computer and is loving it

But really, i got tired of using my stronger macbook as my main desktop; so i just decided to use the old computer in the corner of my room; the thing is pretty beastily for this setup; i overclocked it a lot too...

[Image: 92988562.jpg]

frick...i love windows >_<
*Faps @ miku...
canz I have wall Paper?!?!???
???? Wrote: [ -> ]*Faps @ miku...
canz I have wall Paper?!?!???

which one? I'm assuming the right because you're...

[Image: konachancom65183hatsune.jpg]
Awesome wallpaper :3, thanks for sharing Tetris!
[Image: desktopde.png]
OmegaEye Wrote: [ -> ]my iPod:
[Image: iPod01.png]
Sky yours is just too much for me to figure out how to do
looks great though

dang....what theme is that :)
^yeah I didn't notice before but that 3rd screen, Miku Hatsune artwork is stunning...
Icons are from Upojenie (with some custom ones).
Battery, Weather, and Dock are from Dulce.
Lockscreen is NFR (I believe it's Gniqu's slider).
And the Music Player is Minimalist.

[Image: gallery_yuu01.jpg]

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