Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post your desktop! *56K warning*
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Actually ive learned alot since coming to ep, performance is of highrt value than asthetics, how to install slackware, a 6.xx cfw is unneccessary, bread is tactical, the best way to practice german is to talk to cleverbot, jesus im ranting.... anyway, i don't think most of you are assholes, just hawkeye... anyway, im done posting m desktop, its not a competition so i don't know why i cared so much anyway

Oh and sorry trademark for being a pocky
having more doesn't make it look cooler ._.
rainmeter doesn't use much but srsly don't make your desktop look like a battlefield.
have the bare minimum but make it as functional as possible. and placement is key.
make it blend into your wallpaper. For example my last desktop i poseted on here.
That is enigma but modified by me to match and fit my wallpaper.
I find enigma to be enough but i still don't want it to be "standard".
Changed my desktop, not much since I'm satisified with AWN, just added system monitors and a now playing app so it doesn't look so empty
[Image: screenshotuw.png]

dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]anyway, i don't think most of you are assholes, just hawkeye..

I'm honored that you singled me out specifically :}
hey nice icons, eku. :3
haha, ACYL theme, I believe you are familiar with it :)
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]mine sucks but whatever.

use imageshack dude
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]mine sucks but whatever.

Lol I'm going to make an account on GoogleDocs just too see a picture.  Yeah right.
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]anyway, i don't think most of you are assholes, just hawkeye..

I'm honored that you singled me out specifically :}

congratulations Madwin
[Image: ohhhhhyeeeaaaaa.jpg]

I raped the quality because i felt a 2MB file would be too much; made it 200kb's, you basically get the idea.

Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]mine sucks but whatever.

Lol I'm going to make an account on GoogleDocs just too see a picture.  Yeah right.

It has a redirect loop anyway; so you can't even see it even WHEN you have an account.
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