Endless Paradigm

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(÷[s@m Wrote:÷)]
[Image: 10hrblx.jpg]

just simple, not interested in anime...

it just looks like a modern warfare wallpaper...


ill just leave this here

the text being off center is an issue that im working on.
[Image: screenshotek.png]

there wee go

[Image: screenshot1dd.png]

mi prechan
[Image: 44030037.jpg]
The usual stuff... :P
Davis Wrote:[Image: 44030037.jpg]
The usual stuff... :P

Wallpaper please^^
SkyDX Wrote:
Davis Wrote:[Image: 44030037.jpg]
The usual stuff... :P

Wallpaper please^^

[Image: screenshot20100215at135.jpg]

I made the wall and persona :P

if anybody wants, ask; everyone loves sol and dizzy :D
got most of my apps back... just figuring out how i want to set it up...
[Image: 2wrhitc.jpg]
music folder
[Image: 6jo9x4.jpg]
I'm not entirely sure if i want it like this... well wee'll see soon I guess.
[Image: screenshotfr.png]
trademark91 Wrote:[Image: screenshotfr.png]


do want that wall
[Image: 1260391451046.jpg]
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