Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post your desktop! *56K warning*
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yeah. my computer sucks donkey and I got it looking fairly decent
I'm not talking about that, but playing with the Compiz and stuff, eats my procesor and ram, and I need it for thing I do.
teosama Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not talking about that, but plaing with the Compiz and stuff, eats my procesor and ram, and I need it for thing I do.

don't use compiz. use cairo-compmgr. its more lightweight and can run with a lightweight window manager such as fluxbox/openbox. if you really are hurting for power, using one of those instead of gnome/kde can speed up your system substantially.

Openbox with Cairo-compmgr, I boot up using about 150MB of RAM.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]Ewbuntu. Heh. Seriously, customize it some more.

Global standard for customizing ubuntu: awn/docky on the bottom, conky on the right center, with WAY too much extraneous information, stock ubuntu-gnome-panel on top.

That's not how mine was. :>
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]My desktop atm, thanks to Sky for helping me organize it as I wasn't used to all the space before... it feels more like mine now :3 [might be adding Rainmeter and Objectdock, wee'll see]

(Sorry I changed the wallpaper already Sky xD)

[Image: screencapr.jpg]

I forgive you >_> xD

And nice desktop Mugi^^
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]Ewbuntu. Heh. Seriously, customize it some more.

Global standard for customizing ubuntu: awn/docky on the bottom, conky on the right center, with WAY too much extraneous information, stock ubuntu-gnome-panel on top.

That's not how mine was. :>

[Image: Screenshot.png]
That's not Conky. Ha!
still the same idea :p
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]That's not Conky. Ha!

You're not Conky! Ha!
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