Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [GUIDE] Change the colors of the XMB
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From a different yet related thread:

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Note that there's issues with using a decrypted vshmain.prx - see bstronga's post for details on fixing this :P  Great work bstronga!
so why are you having trouble doing this?
Shady545 Wrote:so why are you having trouble doing this?

Because when I make the necessary modifications to pspbtcnf.txt that bstronga's instructions state, it bricks my PSP until I revert the changes. The idea is to have two vshmain files. the original, untouched encrypted one, and the decrypted, edited prx renamed to vsh.prx
any hints that how the colors define in floating? let us, in black color? RGB=?set to 000000 will show yellow color
matchung Wrote:any hints that how the colors define in floating? let us, in black color? RGB=?set to 000000 will show yellow color

You may be slightly off on the offsets for where you're editing. You may be editting the blue value for the month you want, then the Red and Green values for the month following it.

What I mean is:


Bold - You should be here

Bold Italic - You may be here

Thus you end up editing everything I put in italics instead of the first RGB

If you take white, and remove all blue from it, you get Yellow.
?So? is anyone going to post the color fonts in a 3.40 file?
Yeah anyone going to post a full red one?
Tenshigami Wrote:
matchung Wrote:any hints that how the colors define in floating? let us, in black color? RGB=?set to 000000 will show yellow color

You may be slightly off on the offsets for where you're editing. You may be editting the blue value for the month you want, then the Red and Green values for the month following it.

What I mean is:


Bold - You should be here

Bold Italic - You may be here

Thus you end up editing everything I put in italics instead of the first RGB

If you take white, and remove all blue from it, you get Yellow.

thanks, got it ;)
so... I'm a dunce :P
i got winhex, and crawled to the specified position for 3.40 (0x37780), but now i can't make heads or tails out of those values. i do see a pattern, as in repeated byte strings, but how am i supposed to change them? I'm listening and willing to learn :P
BeastOfSoda Wrote:so... I'm a dunce :P
i got winhex, and crawled to the specified position for 3.40 (0x37780), but now i can't make heads or tails out of those values. i do see a pattern, as in repeated byte strings, but how am i supposed to change them? I'm listening and willing to learn :P
hex workshop preferted... much more easy to preview the float value..
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