Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [GUIDE] Change the colors of the XMB
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I thank the color of the free spsce will be under system_plugin? maby i don't know
How to change the colour of the XMB fonts???
I copy vsh.prx to my psp-nodule, but not enough memory
Please help me ......
^^Try clearing your flash.  Doing the fix isn't technically required, but your homebrew/ISOs etc will no longer work.

@|-Anubis-|: Thanks a lot for editing - you are REALLY helpful! :)
LOL yea i got red saved game data font weeeeeee
Double post
gandu Wrote:How to change the colour of the XMB fonts???
I copy vsh.prx to my psp-nodule, but not enough memory
Please help me ......

just run a flash agent to relink dummy files,,, relink dummy files,,, relink dummy files,,, relink dummy files... everyone should do that wen thay first get to a new OE

And i made sum red saved data fonts. if you won't your save game data font to be red
some offset from qj:for 340

Quote:January February:
R:0x37780 R:0x3778c
G:0x37784 G:0x37790
B:0x37788 B:0x37794

March: April:
R:0x37798 R:0x377a4
G:0x3779c G:0x377a8
B:0x377ao B:0x377ac

May: June:
R:0x377B0 R:0x377bc
G:0x377b4 G:0x377c0
B:0x377b8 B:0x377c4

July: August:
R:0x377c8 R:0x377c4
G:0x377cc G:0x377d8
B0x377d0 B:0x377dc

September: October:
R:0x377e0 R:0x377ec
G:0x377e4 G:0x377f0
B:0x377e8 B:0x377f4

November: December:
R:0x377f8 R:0x37804
G:0x377fc G:0x37808
B:0x37800 B:0x3780c
Can someone help me with my homebrews. I run the PatchSFOV0.1 tool from GAME150 buth he says something it's already patched. When i puth it in GAME (where my homebrew is) then he simple start and turn straight back to xmb without anything patched. Also my 1.00 eboots don't work anymore. Have someone a good PatchSFO Tool maybe or can say what doing whrong ? Thanks in advance

Edit. Nevermind i used the whrong SFO Patcher
|-Anubis-| Wrote:bstronga, if you think the bbcode is too much I have saved the original post.

I just wanted to make it neater for some of the less experienced people.

its fine. thanks for keeping it clean! very appreciated Inluv
I neen to find a system_plugin with the page data vary badly. i have a idea
Ok I'm need of some help, i have 3.30oe-a' but all the guides seem to be for 3.40oe. i have decripted that VSHMAIN.prx and have opened it with hex workshop, wat next....
Please HELP ME
Hello everybody, I'm new...

I just wanted to know if you could upload these astonishing waves ?
Thank you !
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