Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [GUIDE] Change the colors of the XMB
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Lol, if no-one makes a GUI by the time I get home, I think I'll see if I can do it :P
There must be so much on your plate Zinga.

RCOs, PRXs, etc. Its all too confusing.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Lol, if no-one makes a GUI by the time I get home, I think I'll see if I can do it :P
matchung Wrote:August: R:0x377c4
August: R: 0x377D4
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Lol, if no-one makes a GUI by the time I get home, I think I'll see if I can do it :P
:yipi: :yipi:
man screw this, i put my original vshmain.prx .. i dontwanna load PatchSFO everytime i put new spoon on my psp
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Lol, if no-one makes a GUI by the time I get home, I think I'll see if I can do it :P

Okay, here's a quick little GUI.  Supports 3.10 and 3.40 decrypted vshmain.prx files.
sweet ZiNgA I'll use it right now wow THANK YOU
That wos super EZ THANKS LOL
but the context/Options menu is a lil off
1000000 thanks Zinga Burga,you are the boss
ORGAN Wrote:but the context/Options menu is a lil off
Really?  IDK - I just used the offsets posted here...
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