Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [GUIDE] Change the colors of the XMB
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that patchsfo doesn't work all that good.if i use vsh.prx for black fonts,my games work but many homebrew apps like irshell don't.ne solution?
Hi, i wanted to colorize my XMB, too, but always my PSP gets a Semi-Brick, if I replace the pspbtcnf.txt and copy the vsh.prx on my MS. Don't know why, but it don't work, not even with "complete Fontcolor-Packs" (don't know, what's this in English ;)).

Here's my flash0, maybe someone can locate the error :(

P.S.: Sorry, if you don't understand anything, but I'm from germany and I'm not so good in English-Speaking -.-
wow i can see you like jess alba to.anyways about your problem i think you need to reflash your psp and do the process all over again.i had that experience before and after reflash all went well with no semi brick....
Ok, I will try it, hope it works

Edit: No, don't work again :(
ItalianTotti Wrote:and copy the vsh.prx on my MS
I've never actually tried this myself, but I believe it's meant to go on flash0, not your memory stick...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
ItalianTotti Wrote:and copy the vsh.prx on my MS
I've never actually tried this myself, but I believe it's meant to go on flash0, not your memory stick...

No, it was a typing error of me, of course I copied it to the flash0 ^^

All PSP-pimping-Things did work except of the font color -.-
that's weird cause it worked for me....
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