Endless Paradigm

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something like this..if you can..thanks very much
if you can, caan you please do a light almost baby blue on january for me please, if you get the chance too
Damn i want one too can i get a black one please thanks. and you don't have to do it if you don't want too.
Here you go guys heres all black, all light blue and all dark blue Enjoy!!! (3.40oe-a only)
Domo arigatou gozaimasu coxpete.
o_O..really really really thank you..awesome,fantasticHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahaha..is there something to do?I mean..I've only to replace those files?
ExBu Wrote:Domo arigatou gozaimasu coxpete.
no worries mate thank you very much for my first japanese lesson!
Double post
fendergc Wrote:o_O..really really really thank you..awesome,fantasticHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahahaHahaha..is there something to do?I mean..I've only to replace those files?

yeah just overwrite them. Make a backup of your original pspbtcnf.txt just to be safe
ok, re-thanks
Vibestar member from QJ says this » 0x000376e4 is the offset of the menu that slides out.. It work the same way the font does. i tought it whas not find to now.
Sorry as my question is rather off-topic considering the actual thread title, but I was just wondering whether anyone in here could give me the name (or even better, perhaps a download link?) for the icon set which is shown on the 3 screenshots in bstronga's very first post in this thread.
Thanks in advance :)

//EDIT1: After reading the whole thread and thinking a little about the difficulties which seem to oppose a simple replacement of the existing ("original") vshmain.prx with a decrypted (and hex-edited) version, I was wondering why the problems should be caused by any hacks done by DAX "on the fly" whilst the module is loaded into the PSP's RAM. I always thought the encrypted PRX had to be decrypted "in-memory" by the PSP before being executed, so the memory offsets should be the same for the executed PRX, independant of the question whether the PRX in flash0 is the encrypted or the decrypted version of the PRX. Anyhow, I suppose it would be rather impossible to hack any PRX if it wasn't executed as a decrypted module.
Of course, I'm not keen enough to test this on my PSP (at least not as long as I haven't got a modchip providing a second flash0).
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