Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [GUIDE] Change the colors of the XMB
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dedat Wrote:have you got a screen shot on your latest findings?
its people like you and zinga who make me love my psp:D

red, green, blue and that black one above ;p
[Image: redwl4.jpg]
[Image: greengz8.jpg]
[Image: bluepg0.jpg]

ouuw by the way the clock color is in system_plugin_fg.rco in the page data of rcoeditor
looking great bstronga,
thanks for the info on the clock colour,
im gonna have a go at changing it now
here comes the pages of ''omg he diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid it''
soo it the color of the text in the topmeau ? or??
isn't it in the vshmain.prx.
Yay!! GO Bstronga this is well sweet mate can't wait to try it out when you give us some more details. you an zinga are the custom kings!!
Hmm, if it's RGB, shouldn't it be RGBA?  Like the value after the blue should be the alpha channel.

Nice find bstronga!!!  It's logical too :P  Anyways, haven't looked into this.  Great work!
(o Y o)
open the data interpreter! view » show » data interpreter

its the color in the xmb. however not all text's are affected when doing this, e.g. the freespace indicator, main menu text or the clock which can be changed with rcoeditor (system_plugin_fg.rco) don't know about the other 2 though.

@ZiNgA BuRgA that's what i also thought (hence the "not too sure how the colors work") but after blue channel follows the red channel of the next month.

On a side note, can you upload your wave? it looks really cool
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