24/03/2007, 06:22 AM
Previous thread
It's in vshmain.prx:
On my decrypted 3.00 PRX (should be the same for all), go to 0x353E0 and you'll see a whole bunch of floats - I'm not too sure how it works, but it's stored there.
The "-130" value (default left position of XMB) is 0xC3020000 in hex, so you'll see a few instances of that. Replacing that will fix the "return bug" :D
Hmm, vshmain.prx does indeed contain some very interesting things...
Known offsets (note, values are in floating point format, not the typical integer type; please use a decrypted vshmain.prx)
3.80 Offsets
Thanks for Uplink, matchung, bstronga, Mythos ,MiniPoh for some of the offsets :P
Credits to Takeshi , for his app.
bstronga Wrote:any clue why the xmb pushs back to default on OnXmbPush?JUST FOUND IT!!
It's in vshmain.prx:
On my decrypted 3.00 PRX (should be the same for all), go to 0x353E0 and you'll see a whole bunch of floats - I'm not too sure how it works, but it's stored there.
The "-130" value (default left position of XMB) is 0xC3020000 in hex, so you'll see a few instances of that. Replacing that will fix the "return bug" :D
Hmm, vshmain.prx does indeed contain some very interesting things...
Note that there's issues with using a decrypted vshmain.prx - see bstronga's post for details on fixing this :P Great work bstronga!
Known offsets (note, values are in floating point format, not the typical integer type; please use a decrypted vshmain.prx)
Offset [3.00] | Description |
0x35438 | MemStick Icon (Only "Games" Menu) |
0x35420 | Position of menu, when entering submenu |
0x35428 | Position of menu, when entering GAMES submenu |
0x35424 | Position of submenu triangle |
0x36BBC | Y position of the Network icon when not selected - very interesting item |
0x37710 | Y position of clock |
0x3771C | X position of clock (with battery) |
0x37720 | X position of clock (without battery) |
0x3772C | Strength of the alpha channel of the currently highlighted text |
0x37730 | Wave size? |
0x376EC | Mute icon Y |
0x376E8 | Mute shadow Y |
0x376FC | Hold icon Y |
0x376F8 | Hold shadow Y |
Offset [3.40] | Description |
0x35578 | X position of xmenu |
0x37DE4 | Y Position of the Hold shadow |
0x37DF0 | Y Position of the Hold |
0x37DF4 | Y Position of Mute Shadow |
0x37E00 | Y Position of Mute |
0x37E10 | X Position of Mute |
0x37E08 | Y position of clock |
0x37E14 | X position of clock |
0x35574 | Strength of the alpha channel of the currently highlighted text |
0x35570 | alpha channel of the focused main icon when in optionmenu |
0x3557C | alpha channel of the non-focused icons when in optionmenu |
0x35544 | describes the alpha strength of all main icons |
Offset [3.51/3.52] | Description |
0x36EE8 | X position of xmenu |
0x3A15C | Y Position of the Hold shadow |
0x3A168 | Y Position of the Hold |
0x3A16C | Y Position of Mute Shadow |
0x3A178 | Y Position of Mute |
0x3A188 | X Position of Mute |
0x3A180 | Y position of clock |
0x3A18C | X position of clock - with battery |
0x3A190 | X position of clock - without battery |
0x36EE4 | Strength of the alpha channel of the currently highlighted text |
0x36EE0 | alpha channel of the focused main icon when in optionmenu |
0x36EEC | alpha channel of the non-focused icons when in optionmenu |
0x36EB8 | describes the alpha strength of all main icons |
0x3A1C8 | framerate/speed(?) of busy icon, make it ultra fast or ultra slow |
0x36EEC | alpha channel of unfocused icons when in infobar |
0x36EE0 | alpha channel of the focused main icon |
0x36EDC | fade out time of focused main icon if above lower than 1 |
0x36F1C | xmb position when in infobar |
0x39564 | Y position of the Network icon when not selected - the positions for the other ones are in paf.prx |
Offsets [3.71] | Description |
41534 | Clock Y position |
3CF6C | X position of the XMB |
3CFA0 | X position of the XMB in infobar |
4151C | Y Position of the hold icon |
41520 | Y Position of the hold icon shadow |
4153C | X Position of mute icon |
4152C | Y Position of mute icon |
41544 | X position of clock |
41540 | X position of clock + battery icon |
3F75C | Y Position of the Network icon when unfocused |
3CF60 | Alpha channel of the focused main icon |
3CF68 | Alpha channel of highlighted text |
3CF24 | Alpha channel of all main icons |
4157C | Speed of busy icon |
40EB0 | First offset for fonts colors |
40D60 | First offset for infobars colors |
4092C | Focused main icon position |
40938 | Unfocused main icons position without Network icon |
4093C | Unfocused Network icon position |
3.80 Offsets
Thanks for Uplink, matchung, bstronga, Mythos ,MiniPoh for some of the offsets :P
Please do not hesitate to update these tables. Update it and leave a post explaining what you updated.
Credits to Takeshi , for his app.