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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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ups sorry for not making myself clear.
well when using a decrypted vshmain.prx some custom folders (game150,game3xx, iso..) won't get recognized.
using the method described well fix that however some older 1.5 kernel eboots need to be patched with patchsfo.
Ok now I see what you were saying now

Thought I had finally gone fully-baked
Hey, just found the Page, bstronga is referencing to:

Tweak XMB

Shady545 Wrote:Can someone point me in the right direction on how to edit these floats

Thanks in advanced to whom ever can help me :)

Editing the floats is not that hard work.

Using decrypted 3.03 VSHMAIN.PRX with Hex Workshop.

goto (ctrl + g) offset: Hex 35414
now the field 32 BIt FLOAT should say: -130
now just klick this Value and enter the new one (Propably the same one you entered in the topmenu_plugin.rco)
Uplink Wrote:Hey, just found the Page, bstronga is referencing to:

Tweak XMB

Shady545 Wrote:Annubis can you clean up bstronga's last post I have no idea what he's talking about

Can someone point me in the right direction on how to edit these floats

Thanks in advanced to whom ever can help me :)

Editing the floats is not that hard work.

Using decrypted 3.03 VSHMAIN.PRX with Hex Workshop.

goto (ctrl + g) offset: Hex 35414
now the field 32 BIt FLOAT should say: -130
now just klick this Value and enter the new one (Propably the same one you entered in the topmenu_plugin.rco)

well I'm actually referencing to
chachakoala got this little piece of information from me ;p
Hell Yeah, very nice! :D
I have a big question:

Has anyone found out, where the Y-Coordinates are stored in vshmain?

Just found another X-Coordinate, which has the Position of the MemStick icon, that is shown when at games menu (see picture below)

[Image: sou9ed73w1pwfpkl3vbl.jpg]

Only thing that sucks about that is the text didn't move along with it

So does this mean the text is still in the same position?

If so ill wait to change that one

But good find mind posting where you found it
Shady545 Wrote:Only thing that sucks about that is the text didn't move along with it

So does this mean the text is still in the same position?

If so ill wait to change that one

But good find mind posting where you found it

Which text do you mean? When opening the Games section, the Text "MemoryStick" is not displayed anyways.

All for the decrypted 3.03 vshmain.prx:

Offset 0x00035438 Value -40  // MemStick Icon (Only "Games" Menu)
Offset 0x00035420 Value -190 // Position of Menue, when entering next level menue
Offset 0x00035428 Value ?-230? // Position of Menue, when entering next level menue (Only "Games" Menu)
Offset 0x00035424 Value 48 // Position of the little white triangle in front of the white line
No I was talking bout the text that says how memory you have left
The text, Menue and Icons are displayed in the normal way, when only surfing the Main Menu.


After clicking the X the Game menue opens, and the Icon / Menu / Triangle move to the Position you want it to go


If you also have 3.03 oe-c FW, i could upload my sample vsh.prx and topmenu_plugin.rco for previewing purposes.

Mine works fine, but im searching the y-coordinates
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