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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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matchung Wrote:hope this will help, for 340OE:

0x35538: xmenu Y
0x35578: xmenu X
0x37DE4: Hold shadow Y
0x37DF0: Hold Y
0x37DF4: Mute Shadow Y
0x37E00: Mute Y
0x37E08: Clock Y
0x37E14: Clock X
0x37E18: Clock Shadow X

Hi matchug, Is that xmenu Y offset correct, it doesn't seem to work for me. Has anybody else had any success with it?
doesn't work for me too. :(
same here
not working for me either...
anyway found the vertical position of the Network main icon.

edit: argh just found out that its already listed Nana-o
3.40 vshmain.prx

0x35574 alpha channel of the main menu text's (note you have to enter a submenu/optionmenu to trigger it :neutral: )

0x35570 alpha channel of the focused main icon when in optionmenu
0x3557C alpha channel of the non-focused icons when in optionmenu

they have one thing in common. setting the value above 1 will give you some strange effects.

very strange is
0x35544 somehow describes the alpha strength of all main icons.
value 1.01 will make the focused main icon invisible.
value 1.5 will make make the unfocused main icons invisible but also decreases the alpha strength of the focused main icon.
also note that when entering somewhere will make it back to default. :unlove:

edit: double you tee eff I'm a moderator O.O
^err.I'm not quite understand. so does it mean i can hide the unfocused icon?.
set to 1.5 and it will be invisible, but how about the main icon?.... it will decrease?.so the focus icon will be semi transparent?.
innercy+ Wrote:^err.I'm not quite understand. so does it mean i can hide the unfocused icon?.
set to 1.5 and it will be invisible, but how about the main icon?.... it will decrease?.so the focus icon will be semi transparent?.

in case of 1.5 yes but i didn't tried many values yet.
however as this not a fixed/constant change its not very usable yet anyway.

by the way i accidentally hit your edit button Hahaha
^hehe.i guess wee need to edit topmenu_plugin.rco to make it stay fixed, am i right?.
-nice find... have u found the vertical position offset?.
0x35538: xmenu Y (this offset not working)...

-w00t, a new moderator. congrate^_^..
sorry, xmenu Y is wrong =0=
[/i]Sorry for the stoopid Noob question again, but can anyone tell me how to fix my XMB Topmenu position?
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