Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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ive tried the 3.71vsh  offset you said and put it in my 3.52 it gives me a brick hehehe. well im was juz wonderin cause ive tried the themes that the xmb is at the bottom and it seems to work with my 3.52 wat did they do??? and only 3.71vsh has the y coordinte...

guys can you help me out how to put my xmb at the bottom tnx....
The offsets were last updated on 04/01/08.
^^^  Wow.  Thanks to everybody who has donated their time to finding all those 3.80 offsets so quickly.  Our custom themes should be right at home when 3.80 m33 is released  :D
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