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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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I don't see how PMFs are illegal (I don't believe in QJ's pedanticalness).
Sony UMD Tools is, but PMFs aren't, from my definition.
Vibestar Wrote:hehe sorry dude that's not what I ment (and you know that theme is mine right?)...
I was wondering if that picture can float above the wallpaper all the time with other wallpapers to...
[offtopic]Hey you're imraan right... still got to make that avi for you.... Is it by the way allright to talk about pmf files on this forum, if don't I'll edit this reply[/offtopic]

yea i no its ur theme
but i gta its 1 hell of a theme
i luv it
so far I've modded it sooo much to my likin and now its jst like amazin'
yea ma names imraan lool u can see it on the wallpaper aswell at the bottom left hehe
dnno bout showing the lock icon all the time
ill look into it
buh i gt a idea hw bout replace the mute icon with the hold icon therefore if u psp is on mute all the time when
ur in the xmb it will show
jst an idea dou

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I don't see how PMFs are illegal (I don't believe in QJ's pedanticalness).
Sony UMD Tools is, but PMFs aren't, from my definition.

i dnt fink pmf's are illegal
qj needs to change their rules imo
yea about the sony umd tools but no the pmf's

I have an idea for a new xmb style. Heres the thing though, I need to know that the layer system is.

Wee all know the battery sits behind the clock, but in front of the xmb, but what about the load icon and the mute/locked icons? What is the order of them?

If anyone can get this info to me I will be eternally grateful.

the whole system_plugin_fg is in front of the xmb.... That's why I keep searching for a way to implend a bmp in there that floats above the xmb.. This way you could make the xbox sidebars and so on..
It's already posible to do it with the battery..(see tweaky xmb for that) but that's just one bar.
I tried the lock icon 2 be the second one but it only apears when you set it to hold and if you mute the sound it will also move some pix over....
So please share us your ideas about this..
Vibestar Wrote:the whole system_plugin_fg is in front of the xmb.... That's why I keep searching for a way to implend a bmp in there that floats above the xmb.. This way you could make the xbox sidebars and so on..
It's already posible to do it with the battery..(see tweaky xmb for that) but that's just one bar.
I tried the lock icon 2 be the second one but it only apears when you set it to hold and if you mute the sound it will also move some pix over....
So please share us your ideas about this..

When you say it will 'move some pix over' what do you mean? Thing is I know the lock icon only appears when set to hold, and that's what I want. I just need to know if all icons were placed on top of each other, what order would they be in?
skyfox2k Wrote:When you say it will 'move some pix over' what do you mean?

i fink he means like when u look at my edited xmb (1 page before this page)
u'll notice that when the lock is on it will stay at 1 position
but when mute and lock is on it will move the lock slightly to the left
check page before and see

slightly move to the left haha that was the word I was looking for.... Still a little sleepy..
any of you guys know if its possible to edit perhaps the vsh to stop the movement of the lock when the mute is used?
skyfox2k Wrote:any of you guys know if its possible to edit perhaps the vsh to stop the movement of the lock when the mute is used?

not me
buh bstronga found the position for the mute x
but i tried to see if it stops the movement but it still moves
although the technique or wteva u call it
i found out of the page before (again)
it make the movement of the lock very slight

Right, another thing guys. I'm sure I've seen it before but I have no idea where- I need to move the game memory icons into the same location horizontally as the music/video/photo mem icons. They currently go too far to the left for my theme, and need it fixed!

You guys are amazin and I'm sure you'll know how to cure this!

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