Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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Vibe, I know you unlinked the mute and hold connection. is there any way to do the same with the clock connection?
that's a good one... I don't know if there is any... but maybe it wasn't unlinking but just took away the 8 px between them.
I'm working with the paf.prx and i changed my unfocused icon position. But the network icon stays in the same postion. So what's the offset in the vsh.prx for its postion.
Can someone please update Xmbic because it don't work with the new vsh.prx for 3.51 M33. Thanks in advance
i need some help cause i tried to change the values cause i want to have my clock in the lowest rightmost part of the screen and i can't seem to get the right value.i always end up my date and time at the middle part.can someone please share the value for the x,y?thank in advance
alfox Wrote:i need some help cause i tried to change the values cause i want to have my clock in the lowest rightmost part of the screen and i can't seem to get the right value.i always end up my date and time at the middle part.can someone please share the value for the x,y?thank in advance

Clock Y    -124          0x3A180
Clock X     203          0x3A18C
i got it to work now and thanks for your help bro.by the way ryt now i want to move my batt signal(icon) to the lowest part of the screen also just beside my date and time.does anyone here have the offsets for the batt icon?tia.by the way guys thanks and i finally made it with the help of rco editor.hehehehe
first page update, added bin files for M33 Update 7.
Thanks bstronga, you're the best! :)
http://maximesimon.free.fr/PRX/vpe.rar > VSH.PRX Editor : the new XMBIC! Supports 3.40 & 3.5X VSH.PRXs! Woot!
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