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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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Mythos Wrote:i found MUTE X in vsh.prx (340 OE-A)

» 0x37E10
(it's relative to CLOCK X)


well dun
but bstronga found this position already
on the page before
he named it a hold position X

by the way hold position and mute position X are both similar

it's not the same.. u can't move the mute-icon with bstrongas offset..

are u h901 on maxconsole forums as well? :P
remember me?.. I'm the one who showed u how to relink the glows ^_^
it's like im "d
mute & hold can be moved.. i think...

or i misunderstood -;-

[Image: snap096sn6.jpg]
but can u move "mute" seperatly? (with my offset u can)
i didnt find it.. :x

(and on that screen its just the Y axis... not the X one)
i do think the mute can be moved..

[Image: snap098ro8.jpg]
Double post
u can fool both hold & mute...

[Image: snap110qo7.jpg]
uhh.. :S
so i searched like ages and didnt find the offset for it everywhere in the internets..
Mythos Wrote:uhh.. :S
so i searched like ages and didnt find the offset for it everywhere in the internets..

you can use rco editor with system_plugin_fg.rco
Mythos Wrote:uhh.. :S
so i searched like ages and didnt find the offset for it everywhere in the internets..

they locate between 0x37de4 ~ 0x47e66, next to text entry "flash0:/vsh/resource/system_plugin_bg.rco".

as states before, the mute & hold values are relative to date position, not a real position.
matchung Wrote:i do think the mute can be moved..
u can fool both hold & mute...

yes you can fool them to move together
when you move the hold icon the mute icon seems to move with it
heres my xmb currently

[Image: snap047ya8.png]

are u h901 on maxconsole forums as well? :P
remember me?.. I'm the one who showed u how to relink the glows ^_^
it's like im "d
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