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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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As for clock position...  I happened to test it without a battery - I guess the position changes if you have one inserted :S
It'll probably be in that region there.

Sorry, I forgot about sticking a battery in :(
Urgh, okay, I got the damn wrong offsets.

Updated above - hope it'll now work (Y position was correct though).
Damn this move I want my computer I haven't been able to do anything with my psp :gasp:

I know its scary
Topmenu can be left fixed, like in this screenshot.
[Image: screen1pr9.png].

But that does not return to its original size when you select an option.
Someone can to explain me what  enters there vshmain.prx?
Unless I'm mistaken, have you managed to find the vertical position Krakatoa?  I've only managed to get horizontal position.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Unless I'm mistaken, have you managed to find the vertical position Krakatoa?  I've only managed to get horizontal position.

Unicoa that I have done, is to put these parameters in rconedit.
[Image: rconat6.jpg]

What I would like to know, is if topmenu in this position can be left fixed.

PS: Thanks for your great work with rconedit Zinga Burga.


Sorry, I'm misunderstanding you...
In your previous post, you said that you managed to left fix the problem but you're asking how to do it???

marcy Wrote:Someone can to explain me what  enters there vshmain.prx?

Sorry, can you resolve my question?
marcy Wrote:
marcy Wrote:Someone can to explain me what  enters there vshmain.prx?

Sorry, can you resolve my question?
Did you read the previous posts?  You need to open the PRX in a hex editor, go to the specified addresses and change the floating point variables...
Try HexWorkshop as it shows the values in single precision floating point values.
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