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Full Version: [split] vshmain.prx XMB position fixes
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Maxime Wrote:http://maximesimon.free.fr/PRX/vpe.rar > VSH.PRX Editor : the new XMBIC! Supports 3.40 & 3.5X VSH.PRXs! Woot!

Thanks lol.:wink2:

XMENU Y?!?!?!?!?1!!/!
(o Y o) Wrote:Hey,

XMENU Y?!?!?!?!?1!!/!

noone knows it yet!
(o Y o) Wrote:Hey,

XMENU Y?!?!?!?!?1!!/!

noone knows it yet!

OMFG! i love u zingaaaaa!!!! first RCO editor, now... double you tee eff! its perfect! just fixed the fudge you@#$@ return bug.
dammit, i will release my new themes soon!

hey about Y position.. im a newbie in this prx thing that wee got now.
What i know: Changed xmenu  Yposition in paf.prx .  Changed xmenu Xposition in Zinga's RCO editor(i mean topmenu), then fixed the return bug in vshmain.
New offsets for 3.71 Vshmain added , i hope M33 don't change much the PRX , and the values with ,,?,, im not sure ... Check First Page.

could i possibly completely remove the network icon and all it's submenus editing the vshmain?
serosis Wrote:question,

could i possibly completely remove the network icon and all it's submenus editing the vshmain?

Yes you can , in the 3.52 M33 , use the aplication from Takeshi , VPE , in the first post ...

Edit : i didnt read good your post , the network icon can't be removed , only the subicons , you can remove it with Rco Editing ...
gsmoke Wrote:
serosis Wrote:question,

could i possibly completely remove the network icon and all it's submenus editing the vshmain?

Yes you can , in the 3.52 M33 , use the aplication from Takeshi , VPE , in the first post ...

cool, thanks guys :D
guys i had a ? to ask what is the hexedit when you like your icons to be only one icon when you select in xmb for example i want only to see the game icon on the center of the xmb??? when i click left the game icon will disapper and the video icon will appear i think the distance between them that's wat i want.. did you get my point???

normal psp xmb

--»V--»   --»G--»

haha sumting like dat hehe...

sori for the wrong english and the fuking illustration
3.71 paf.prx main icons position doesn't work
moved to vshmain

3.71 vshmain.prx
0x4092C > Focused main icon position
0x40938 > Unfocused main icons position - doesn't work on Network icon -
0x4093C > Unfocused Network icon position
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