Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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I hope Zinga Sees this...
[Image: 0xkcq6amcr2dqqh45hak9it.jpg]

Can is submit this? it's called endless randomness
It's EP not ER, but I suppose it's up to ZB to judge.

But yeah, that is a random picture.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]It's EP not ER, but I suppose it's up to ZB to judge.

But yeah, that is a random picture.

hehe :D
[Image: 0xkcq6amcr2dqqh45hak9it.jpg]

Now it's ep!
Knock-knock bump.
[Image: 0xkcq6amcr2dqqh45hak9it.jpg] -St0rMaGe-
[Image: epbanner.png] Rawrsor
[Image: attachment.php?aid=5234] Sparker
[Image: attachment.php?aid=5226] 300NUKEZ
^re-size it to your needs but PLEASE try it big first and see if it works big it won't be the longest in the collection anyway :P

Lol @ Tangerine Pope Hihi

* Vacui Natale has idea for a banner

* Vacui Natale will make it later
I don't watch the pokemon anime, but from an episode summary, it was pikachu who caused the seizure. Dunno why it's porygon who takes the blame and never appears in the anime again.

300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]^re-size it to your needs but PLEASE try it big first and see if it works big it won't be the longest in the collection anyway :P

It's 173 KB, most banners are around 5 to 40 KB, The only other banner I know that big is Elderly hershey kisses. Though I'm not so sure if it means a big deal.
i made a new banner!

[Image: 20050928hugeburger.png]
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