Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ][Image: endlesspoking.png]

your lolwuting you win comment?
haha. There was a spambot post, I was lolwut'ing that.

damnit admins, quit deleting those posts when I lolwut them!

or I could just start quoting those posts.

quoting for the win!

it proves stuff. Like spa/\/\ bots existance.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4317]
Ah. Sparker delivers! :P

That is an awesome banner <3
Prototype Boomerang Controller..... lol awesome. Nice one Sparkito!
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Prototype Boomerang Controller..... lol awesome. Nice one Sparkito!

i found it while searching 'third party ps3 controllers' and I wouldn't be surprised if there were ones out there like it.
I actually owned 2 of those Logitech Wireless controllers - and as far as I know it was a PS2 model Hihi
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