Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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That's really nice diego_429 :)  Just a little cut-off around the edges...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Endaresu Paradaimu

I guess I still remember some Jap...

ENDORESSU PERADAIMU, actually. And I only full capped it there because that's a moderately common way of indicating that the original text was in katakana, which is is mostly used to write foreign words in japanese.

I wanted to use the PSP's default XMB font to make it, but that would require modifying a topmenu for the specific task and taking MORE screenshots...I'm too lazy for that.
i like all of them but the funniest ones are these
diego_429 Wrote:i have one . . just something i put together in 5 mins. . .sorry if it doesn't go with white.
[Image: eplogokv2.gif]
(someone will get a seizure with this!)
ill do something better this weekend when i have time.
squee666 Wrote:even more!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: epilepsy.gif]
Tenshigami Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Endaresu Paradaimu

I guess I still remember some Jap...

ENDORESSU PERADAIMU, actually. And I only full capped it there because that's a moderately common way of indicating that the original text was in katakana, which is is mostly used to write foreign words in japanese.

I wanted to use the PSP's default XMB font to make it, but that would require modifying a topmenu for the specific task and taking MORE screenshots...I'm too lazy for that.
Damn, my guess didn't work >_>

Mine's better :P

double you tee eff happend to the random banner thingy..!? me sad..
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Damn, my guess didn't work >_>

Mine's better :P


eh, true. Yours makes a bit more sense, as far as the original english spelling goes.

But just for the hell of it...

/pulls a katana from hammerspace and chases after ZiNgA with a crazed, bloodthirsty expression
Tenshigami Wrote:/pulls a katana from hammerspace and chases after ZiNgA with a crazed, bloodthirsty expression
^ ペダファイイル
are you still taking more? if so here are some more
[Image: EPBANNER.jpg]
[Image: EPBANNER02.jpg]
[Image: EPBANNER01.jpg]
[Image: EPBANNER03.jpg]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Tenshigami Wrote:/pulls a katana from hammerspace and chases after ZiNgA with a crazed, bloodthirsty expression
^ ペダファイイル

pedophile? Hardly. Maybe if I were actually Japanese. Some of their fetishes are some weird spoon.
Tenshigami Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Tenshigami Wrote:/pulls a katana from hammerspace and chases after ZiNgA with a crazed, bloodthirsty expression
^ ペダファイイル

pedophile? Hardly. Maybe if I were actually Japanese. Some of their fetishes are some weird spoon.

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