Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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J'adore le paissons Wrote:I was wondering that too and I only noticed it today lol.

that's a very clever one!  Ahhyes  keep the thinking going :)
Here's one that i am going to start following :P

[Image: talkrobots.jpg]
[Image: existingproblem.jpg]
Damn I was gonna make a banner saying:
Epecac Overflow
but then I realised Epecac is spelt Ipecac -__-
Method Wrote:Damn I was gonna make a banner saying:
Epecac Overflow
but then I realised Epecac is spelt Ipecac -__-

hahahahaaa  ErroneousPelling
SchmilK Wrote:
Method Wrote:Damn I was gonna make a banner saying:
Epecac Overflow
but then I realised Epecac is spelt Ipecac -__-

hahahahaaa  ErroneousPelling

And I also realised that overflow doesn't begin with a "p"....I fail in so many ways...
some one needs to add these new ones so much lols to be had :P
Sorry, done.

I modified the Elderly People one a bit to reduce the file size.

Thanks for all the banners everyone :)
the amount of banners is astounding...

but it be not enough...... to satisfy the void....
[Image: 9izamf.jpg]

Made it myself Flatterd

I too late? Emptyone
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