Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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^ Nope, changing the name changes it globally (to all users) :P
mines was on erotic paradise by default :/
Two new banners

[Image: extremepokemanssp6.png]

[Image: ejectedpoodlemf9.png]
any one wishing to volunteer making these banners?
volunteers, refer to this thread for the names.
three more from me but the other one is err...

[Image: ecchiqf6.png]
[Image: pedetrainxr3.png]
[Image: emontinaldn2.png]
Spoiler for probably one the best ones yet!:
[Image: headerip0.jpg]
though not everyone might not get the joke though...
By the way does anybody have a large picture of the piano monster from Super Mario 64?
It's from that level with the boos, incase you don't know what I'm talking about.
no I see sorry, the ecchi plague one is awesome,
beaner2k6 Wrote:the ecchi plague one is awesome,

uh oh! Erotic paradise has a rival!!!

anyways I got these ideas of these banners at the last mintue.

[Image: pockysr0.png]
[Image: pixieee6.png]

might start a poll when I have about fiveteen banners.
Tankoo Spark :)
I've had a go at a couple. which do you prefer?

   [Image: exterminatedpikachuzcopy.jpg?t=1208045184]

   [Image: ttcopy.jpg?t=1208045263]
andrewcc Wrote:I've had a go at a couple. which do you prefer?

   [Image: exterminatedpikachuzcopy.jpg?t=1208045184]

   [Image: ttcopy.jpg?t=1208045263]

LOL banner added
Not the best but...

[Image: omfgpianossz5.png]
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