Endless Paradigm

Full Version: We need new logo/bannerS.
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[Image: enquiringphilosopher.png]
I love it.
hahah XD
I think wee might need to remove some - there's so many at the moment...
Nah don't be silly, let them grow! The creations of all our members.

There are a few messy-ish looking ones though, like that epic proportions one for example, suppose that could go.
[Image: b9ctw.png]

[Image: RtTDZ.png]

[Image: UWBCB.png]
ist when you have over 9000 ones that begin with "Endless" that wee have a problem
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]ist when you have over 9000 ones that begin with "Endless" that wee have a problem

Yes, there are lots of words that start with 'e' that aren't 'endles'
junKie Wrote: [ -> ][Image: b9ctw.png]


Updated Title

Everlasting Parkland!!!
Ejaculating Ponies :>
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