Endless Paradigm

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Err, so is it going to happen or do I have to slow it down myself?
It'll probably be faster if you do.  I have to find time at home to edit stuff, and I usually post from work.
I'll get around to it...
Here it is...
I set it to flash 1/4 of a second. But things tend to animate faster in the animator I use.
I guess that's fair enough - thanks for doing that :P
Here's my submissions!

[Image: edenizedpanatela1.jpg]

[Image: edenizedpanatela2.jpg]

[Image: earthboundpaleocrystic1.jpg]

[Image: earthboundpaleocrystic2.jpg]
[Image: 3cHrE.png]
lol I love it!!
alienkid Wrote: [ -> ]Here's my submissions!

Love 'em
Thanks Sparker!
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