Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]eXx1l3d for forcing me to be creative with my reasons D:<
eXx1l3d because... errr... what the hell, you're just eXx1l3d.
eXx1l3d because you actually have the power to ban me.
eXx1l3d because of everyone's lack of UN-creativity. :3
eXx1l3d because you misread what was put.
Rawrsor put everyone's lack of UN-creativity, to do the opposite of what I was doing...
You being creative fulfills my post, not Rawrsor's.
weterr123 Wrote: [ -> ]eXx1l3d because you misread what was put.
Rawrsor put everyone's lack of UN-creativity, to do the opposite of what I was doing...
You being creative fulfills my post, not Rawrsor's.
Ugh, seems like I didn't read it properly.
But whatever, you're eXx1l3d because you're asking for it.
eXx1l3d for mmentioning the smirking
eXx1l3d because you're jammz and I don't like you
eXx1l3d fer not liking Jammz.