Endless Paradigm

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eXx1l3d for being offline.
diego Wrote:eXx1l3d for being offline.
eXx1l3d for spamming. and making me look like a hypocrite. . . T-T

diego Wrote:eXx1l3d for spamming. and making me look like a hypocrite. . . T-T


eXx1l3d for quoting diego and making him look dumb :p
Dupain Wrote:eXx1l3d for quoting diego and making him look dumb :p

.... i quoted him cause i saw that he was offline then ... Sadist

srorry :p

eXx1l3d dupain for being online! :D lulz
eXx1l3d Boogs for having 5 spamhooles.
eXx1l3d diego for the coolness avatar:D (lol... just realized your not 'away' anymore...Hihi)
eXx1l3d for thinking diego was away.
eXx1l3d for stepping down from mod

diego FOR MOD!!!!
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